Sunday, February 26, 2012

Portfolio task 1

Portfolio task 1
The table provides the amount of weekly sales from 7th to 13th of October at a small restaurant in an American business district. In this report I will summarize the important information.  
          The overall trend is that the income of dinners was higher than the lunches. For example the total income of dinners was $22,000. Looking at the table we can see that during the week Monday to Friday the income was stable from $2,300 to $2,600 at lunches and from $3,500 to $4,350 at dinners.
          On the other hand the weekends show that the income was very low due to the holidays and people like to join their families. We can see that on Saturday the income at lunch and dinner was the least according to the table. To clarify, the income was $1,950 and $2,900 respectively.
         To sum up, the overall trend is that the weekend income was less because of the holidays and on Sunday the restaurant was closed.