Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Businessmen and Businesswomen in UAE
Ahmed Khalfan  Al Ali

                                 The UAE needs more businessmen and businesswomen. No one can deny that there is a huge and massive development in many countries all over the world. There is a need for development to be not only continuous but also bigger and better. This demands a lot of money and investment to do that.
            The UAE is one of these countries that have witnessed a huge and massive improvement in a lot of fields. The UAE needs more businessmen and businesswomen for the sake of achieving this improvement and making it bigger and better. The UAE need these businessmen and businesswomen to provide money for building more and more projects in many different fields all over the country.
            There are a lot of fields in the UAE which are advanced and developed but there are many fields that need more money and investment. Businessmen and businesswomen are people who can provide these investments. The UAE needs businessmen and businesswomen in the field of agriculture. This is because the UAE imports most of its food and food products from other countries. Importing these products consumes a lot of money and these food products may lose a lot of their useful elements during the process of import.
            The UAE needs a lot of projects to reclaim land for farming and agriculture.  Businessmen and businesswomen can make different projects in the field of farming and food products. They can spend money to reclaim land and use tunnels in agriculture; these tunnels have a lot of benefits. They save water as there is little water in the UAE. They can give more products than usual. They can also produce summer kinds in the winter. Businessmen and businesswomen can invest their money in organic farming which depends on natural elements. Organic farming gives us good kinds of products that are useful for our health as they do not use any harmful chemicals in these products of farming. We can call it clean and healthy farming. They will get a lot of money as they do not need to use many care to these products for countries like Jordan and India. This will save money for them.
            Another important field which businessmen and businesswomen can invest their money in is property. They can build a lot of buildings and towers. They can also build more hotels and cities all over the country. There are a lot of people who work in the UAE and want a lot of houses to live in. There are a lot of people in cities like Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The population increases every year and this demands more houses for them. The UAE needs businessmen and businesswomen to build more properties and towers outside crowded cities. Also, there is a need to build more hotels as there is a huge increase in the number of tourists who come every year from all over the world to enjoy some touristic places in the country as there are a lot of things that attract tourists such as beaches, shopping, centers, festivals and old historical places all over the country.
            The third field which needs more businessmen and businesswomen in the UAE is the field of energy. All of us know that UAE is one of the most important countries which produce a massive and huge amount of oil all over the world. But using oil in some industries results in much pollution. There is a need for some projects that give us clean energy.
            In fact, oil will dry up in the future so we should look for other sources which can provide us with energy. Businessmen and businesswomen can invest their money in building projects to make use of the sun to get solar energy. Solar energy is clean and renewable. The UAE enjoys weather where there is sun all the year. We should use solar energy in factories and cars. There are some projects in Masdar city in Abu Dhabi to make use and produce solar energy but we need more and more projects. In addition to solar energy there is a need to get energy from wind as it is clean and natural kind. If we make best use of these kinds of energy, we won’t face problems when oil dries up in the future.
            The last field from my point of view which demands more and more businessmen and businesswomen in the UAE is building more and more factories all over the country. This project is very important. Now, our country depends on importing from abroad. Most of things we use, we import from abroad. This consumes a lot of money and a big part of our national income. We should produce most of our products which we need in factories inside our countries. We should build a lot of different factories to produce electrical appliances and cars. We should produce clothes and mobiles. Instead of buying these things from abroad, we can make these things here in our countries.
            At the end of my research. I can say that the UAE needs more businessmen and businesswomen in many fields. This will save money we spend to import products from abroad. This will lead to the progress and welfare of our country. Also, this will provide a lot of jobs for our citizens now and in the future. All of this will provide money for our country.
            Through all these fields that I wrote above, I can say that the UAE will be one of the leading countries all over the world in the future. 

Abu Dhabi week magazine

Portfolio  task  6

                       Nowadays, a lot of people like to travel and spend their holidays in other countries, so they need to change their money to other currencies, but it will be easier if we have a global currency and others dislike the idea. In this essay I will discuss the advantage and disadvantage about this topic.
         Firstly, let us start with the advantage. When traveling to other countries, money exchange wouldn’t be a problem so that we can buy staff without having any problem. Another advantage is that you can buy from the internet without being hustled. Another advantage will be that people will not have to travel and leave their families to work for foreign countries and that will end up to have a lot of job opportunities.
        Although there are some advantages, there are also some disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the big countries will fight for the name and for the place of the main office. For example, America will say that they want the global currency to be the better and France will want it to be the euro so it will end up with a war. Another disadvantage is that all the world will be equal in living level and rich counties will be equal with poor countries. If all people are rich then there will be no inventions and the compares will be broke.
In my opinion the currency should not be one for the whole world because there will be no challenge.    
Portfolio task 5

The line graph shows the number of annual visits to Australian form 1975 to 2005 by overseas residents. The table presents the places that those visitors come from. In this essay I will describe the important information.
         The overall trend in the line graph is that the number of the visitors was increasing dramatically. For example, from 1975 to 2005 the number of visitors was increasing each 10 years by 8 million presents in 2005 while it was 8million persons in 1975.
        Turning to the table, Japan had the highest numbers of visitors to Australia from 1975 to 2005 and the number increased from 3.2 to 12 million visitors. The next country was South Korea where the number of visitors tripled from 2.9 to 9.1 million. Then came Europe, Britain and the U.S.A and number increased by almost four times more in 2005 than 1975. The lowest number of visitors was for Chine with 0.8 million visitors in 2005.
         To sum up, we can figure that both the line graph and the table are connected together because they both talk about visitors to Australia .