Sunday, May 6, 2012

Portfolio task 3

Many people think that a balanced diet, or eating balanced meals, is the main factor for a healthy life. However, other people think that it doesn't only depend on controlling our eating habit. In this essay I will discuss the arguments of both sides.
It's known in our life that a balanced diet is an effective way for a healthy life because it helps us to prevent diseases such as heart attacks and blood pressure. Also eating healthy food can make our mind clear and help us live a life without stress. Eating balanced food could also affect our bodies by not having strength and energy problems.
We can't ignore the fact that eating healthy food or a balanced diet is the main reason for a healthy life. However, there are some people who think that a healthy life doesn't only count on a balanced diet because they think that it needs some other factors also. The first thing is that to stay away from smoke and live a healthy environmental life. The second reason to have a healthy strong life is to do exercise because it will make our body strong which can handle any type of pressure. Another reason is that we need to drink a lot of water so that we don’t feel dizzy.
To sum up, diet is important in our life but we need to follow it up with daily exercise to have a perfect body which can stand the daily pressure and to live longer without disease.  

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